Dovilė Juodkaitė
Dovilė Juodkaitė

Dovilė Juodkaitė

President of Lithuanian disability forum, Board member of European disability forum, Member of European economic and social committee

Dovilė Juodkaitė – lawyer, graduated from the Law Faculty of Vilnius University, continued her professional training as a scholar at the Columbia University School of Law in Public Interest Law Initiative program; participated in an Open Society institute Centre for Policy studies, International Policy fellowship program, under the Public Health, Mental disability Advocacy Program (MDAP). In 2010-11 She completed the International Diploma in Mental Health Law and Human Rights, organized by ILS, Pune in collaboration with World Health Organization, Geneva. 

Since 2002, she is working in Lithuania and on international scale, focusing on human rights and disability. She is involved in promoting UNCRPD, OPCAT and other international documents enhancing rights of PwD in Lithuania and other countries (Baltic countries, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia); development and reforming of national legislation, provides trainings, gives lectures and consultancy on the rights of PwD according to UNCRPD. 

In 2017 selected as an Expert on the National WHO QualityRights Assessment Team for human rights monitoring in social and medical closed type institutions in Lithuania. She has provided trainings for mental health specialists on WHO QualityRights monitoring instrument in Ukraine, Georgia, Kenya. She was certified as an expert within the Expert Roster of UN Justice Rapid Response program.